Sunday, April 3, 2011

What makes a good presentation?

Does anyone know how to find out whether a presentation is good? Well, a good presentation is to provide right amount of information to the right audience in a creative and attractive manner. As what has stated by Anderson (1987 cited by Putnis & Petelin 1996, p.254), a good document design aid readers efficiently as well as allows readers to be comfortable about a communication. 

Layout plays a very important role as it creates a good impression on reader's mind. Based on the example above, a few design features should be added. Design features guide readers via text by focusing on sub topics and allow readers to remember important and highlighted information better. (Reep 2006, p. 134)

Based on the example given above, the content is too wordy. Putnis & Petelin 1996 stated, it is important for writers to understand readers wants and needs. According to GnosisLearning 2008, the most important part in a presentation knowing how to deliver information to avoid readers from getting confused about the topic.

Kress & van Leeuwen stated, 'written text is no longer been accompanied by verbal medium but through a visual medium instead'. Thus based on the example given, instead of just explaining the meaning of "Complementary", it would be better to add visuals as an example to help readers to understand better. As what stated by Schriver (1997, p. 408), 'text plus illustration is superior than text alone.' 

A good presentation usually judged by the presenter. A presenter should have the right eye contact,  relaxed look and loud voice.  The presenter should make the audience feel the same as the presenter feel. (Academy of Art University, 2001)

Lastly, I would like to stress again a presentation that is attractive, interesting and easily understood provides readers a better understanding about a topic. 


Putnis, Peter & Petelin, Roslyn 1996, ‘Writing to communicate,’ inProfessional communication.

Schriver, K.A. 1997, Chapter 6, Dynamics in document design

Reep, Diana C. 2006, ‘Chp 4: Principles of Document Design,’inTechnical Writing, 6th ed., Pearson Edu, Inc., New York, p.173-190.

Kress, G & van Leeuwen,T. 1998, Front pages: (the critical) analysis of newspaper layout, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 189-219.

Academy of Art University, 2001. What makes a good presentation. [online] Available at 
<>[Accessed 3 April 2011]

GnosisLearning , 2008. What makes a good presentation. [online] Available at 
<>[Accessed 4 April 2011]

Maheswaei Ganga Gangaya
UniSA ID: 110070877

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