According to, a blog is a website that contains various posts that arranged in reverse chronological order. Various subject matters such as personal issues, political, fashion, history, law, technology, food, travel and etc can classify a Blog.
Most blogs are accompanied with aid of different media types, which are vlog, a blog that contains video post; linklog, website that contains a list of links in weblog format; sketchlog, blogs that contains images in sketch version and tublelogs, a blog that contains article with media types (audio, video, photo, text, link)
Now the latest trend for blogging is using Moblog, using a mobile device such as PDA (personal digital assistant) or cellphone.
Strobist is an example of The Popular Mechanics Blog whereby in-depth explanation is given about a topic. (Simons 2008)
For instance Strobist discuss things that are related to photography. It offers thorough explanation about lighting which helps as a guide for those who are interested in photography. It contains Youtube videos that act as a tutorial lesson for readers.
Image source:
In my opinion, blogs serve as a platform in providing different information and with the help of the latest technology; it is easy to attract readers to the topics that favor them.
Simons, M., 2008, Australian Policy Online, ‘Towards a taxonomy of blogs’. [online] Available at <> [Accessed 23 April 2011], Gunelius,S., n.d., ‘What is a Blog?’ [online] Avaialable at <> [Accessed 23 April 2011]
wiseGEEK, 2008-2011, ‘What is a Linklog?’ [online] Avaialable at <> [Accessed 23 April 2011], Gunelius, S. n.d., ‘What is a Vlog?’ [online] Avaialable at <> [Accessed 23 April 2011]
A Thousand Torches, 2008-2011, ‘What is a Tumblelog?’ [online] Available at <> [Accessed 23 April 2011]
Whatis?com, 2008, ‘Moblog (mobile log)’ [online] Avaialable at <,,sid9_gci1180174,00.html> [Accessed on 24 April 2011]
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