While on the journey of creating this blog, I have realized few points that a blogger have taken into account. Firstly, it is essential for a blogger to know how to design well. This is because this quality will attract reader’s attention to the blog and hence read the content of writing. As what been stated by Reep (2006, p. 134) design features increase the usefulness of the document as they guide readers through the text by directing attention to individual topics and increasing the ability of readers to remember the important, highlighted sections.
Besides that, i have learnt that adding images to every post is also important as it helps to enhance readers’ concentration about the topic. Shriver (1997, p.408) has stated that ‘text plus illustrations combinations are typically superior to text alone’.
Besides that, i have learnt that adding images to every post is also important as it helps to enhance readers’ concentration about the topic. Shriver (1997, p.408) has stated that ‘text plus illustrations combinations are typically superior to text alone’.
By writing, I have discovered that writing style have to match the wants and needs of the target audience. This have been stated by Penman 1998, ‘a document's functionality is dependent on its structure matching readers' habits, expectations, and context of use’.
Moreover, there is a difference between writing and speaking. According to Putnis, Peter and Petelin, (1996, p.227) “writing gives you more opportunity to get your thoughts (and their expression) right because you can revise right up until the moment the writing is published. In contrast, when you say something that you regret, or that your listener misunderstands, or that is awkward, you can never 'unsay' the words.”
Moreover, there is a difference between writing and speaking. According to Putnis, Peter and Petelin, (1996, p.227) “writing gives you more opportunity to get your thoughts (and their expression) right because you can revise right up until the moment the writing is published. In contrast, when you say something that you regret, or that your listener misunderstands, or that is awkward, you can never 'unsay' the words.”
In conclusion, this journey has thought me a lot of theoretical knowledge. All these knowledge will be useful for me in the near future.
- Penman, R. 1998, Document Structures and readers’ habits, Communication news, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1 and 10-11, viewed 11 June 2011, <http://p8080->
- Reep, D. C. 2006, Document Design, Technical Writing, 6th Edition, Pearson/Longman, New York, pp. 133-172.
- Schriver, K.A. 1997, Chapter 6: The interplay of words and pictures, Dynamics in document design: creating text for readers, Wiley Computer Pub, New York, pp 361-441
- Putnis, P & Petelin, R 1996, Professional communication: principles and applications, Prentice Hall, Sydney